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Anomalous Mars Archive

Posted By: Wil
Date: Thursday, 7 March 2002, at 8:31 a.m.
This is the image to come mentioned below, a great presentation by Wil Faust that I am posting on his behalf. His commentary follows and responses will go directly to his email. I should mention that Wil has background in what cities do look like, but I'll leave that for him.(Note this is an archived comment and no email currently exists for Wil)
These comments are referenced to the letters on the image. The lettered notes are adjacent to, but not directly over, the features to which they refer.
A. The Parrot's head. The image scale notations are directly over the near side wing cover. Note the anatomically correct leg structures.
B. Three examples of apparent arterial grade separations (i.e. over- and underpasses).
C. Curved, cylindrical forms connecting to large, multi-level structures.
D. Three examples of linear alignments composed of rectilinear structures.
E. Two examples where lineations seem to enter tunnel entrances.
F. Multiple lineations -- perhaps as many as ten -- converge radially near this point.
G. Three structural alignments converge near this point on the Parrot's right shoulder. The image detail may have been partially erased in this area. There is a human-like face faintly visible just to the left of the notation.